Fight for Yourself
Fight for yourself. I feel alive again. I am back to growing. I was sick and not able to function for the past 7 months, until I started advocating for myself again. I felt lost, hopeless and could only focus on growing my little girl, keeping her happy, keeping her thriving. It was so hard to focus on getting myself better.
Thankfully my husband is a rock. He brought me back to the fact that it is not okay to feel sick everyday. My doctor wouldn't listen to how terribly I was suffering and refused to give me the medicine that could help me feel better. So I went on suffering. I went on waking up wondering how I would get through the day. I was going to the emergency room every other week in unbearable pain, and constantly starving. Luckily I had yoga. I'm not sure what I would have done without it and my baby girl. It got to the point recently, however, where it was even difficult to get on my mat. That's when my hope started to waver.
Then the universe provided. I was removed from my health insurance because I could no longer work due to my sickness, which is a catch 22, right? How can you work when you are so debilitated, and then you don't have the insurance to help you get better? Luckily I had my husband's insurance, but what do people do when they don't have this? The COBRA insurance coverage would have been over $1000 per month - how can someone afford this when they are too sick to work? Conundrum. But the universe provided. I had to go on my husband's different insurance provider, and I was forced to find new doctors. These new doctors, however, listened to me. I had an immediate connection, I felt heard. Just last Wednesday, one week ago, I finally received the medicine that has enabled me to function. It's been a whole week of not just functioning, but thriving. A Whole Week. I can satisfy my root chakra, my survival, I can eat without throwing up. I can eat without lying in a ball in pain. I can play with my daughter and smile and giggle truthfully. I have found my "Kate Lynn-ness" again.
Fight for Yourself. You do not deserve to suffer. Keep asking for help. You deserve care. You deserve health.