KLYNN808 Stories

Here is my story on video.

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Story 10: Let it Fuel You

Follow up to my BLOG from this week - Check it out, DOUBLE STANDARD SKINNY SHAMING, but from a positive angle. Let the judgement you receive wash over you, feel it, let it go, and then let it drive you in your mission.

Watch it now

Story 11: Choose Light Over Heavy (Part I)

My 11th Vlog! Join me while I go North Shore to Turtle Bay, on O'ahu, with my best friend, Jenn, do some yoga throughout and discuss my Goddess Synergism Manifesto and living light. Some bonus asana tips at the end.


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Story 9: Fight for yourself

I have had gastroparesis for 6 years now. It went away mostly while I was pregnant and for 5 months after. It came back about 7 months ago, and was sick every single day. It was hard to do anything. I finally began to advocate for myself again a couple months ago, and it was worth it. I found doctors that listen and are helping me. Advocate for yourself. You are worth it.

Watch it now


Story 8: Be Long, Be strong, be you

This is my asana mantra. Asana is the physical practice of yoga.

Part I ~ Yoga Asana is Flexibility and Strength

Part II ~ Flexibility and Strength are Complementary

Part III ~ Mat to Life Transcendence

Part IV ~ Be Fully You


Pilot Story ~ background 

Original Vlog. I found yoga, or yoga found me, when I needed it most. I was debilitated with a sickness that I had no idea how to fix, nor any doctor. My cousin brought me to a yoga class, this is where my second life all began. I've been teaching yoga for 5 years now. 

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Story 2 ~ Be Limitless

The first part of my KLYNN808 6 HighVibe Actions, because I believe that to truly change, YOU must take action. You must let go of trying to control your external circumstances, and choose to be the highest version of yourself in each moment. The first HighVibe Action is Be Limitless. Join me at Ho'omaluhia Botanical Garden.


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Story 3 ~ Fill Your Cup

KLYNN808 HighVibe Action number two is Fill Your Cup. So many of us these days are running around depleted, with nothing more in our cups. How can we give to those in our lives if we have nothing there in our own cups? This story is about taking time to fill your own cup, and from a type A extraordinaire, believe me, I know sometimes it is not easy. Let's give each other space to fill our cups.